CEIPES, the Italian partner of the Consortium, organized the Multiplier Event of the project PADIGE – Participatory Design of Initiatives on Gender Equality [project number: 2020-3-FR02-KA205-018465] on the 24th of February 2023 in the former church of San Mattia ai Crociferi in Palermo.

Specifically, the main aim of the project is to increase democratic legitimacy by promoting the possibilities and initiatives that the European Union offers to its citizens. 

After two years, the project is coming to an end. Indeed, the event was a chance for the partner to present the results achieved to a local audience of more than 60 people: representatives of NGOs and schools, youth workers and other members of the CEIPES network who work locally to implement activities with youths. 

During the conference, CEIPES presented the objectives as well as the results of the project and disseminated and promoted the tools that were developed by the Consortium. Moreover, the participants had a look to the content of the platform and the Course. 

Indeed, the project produces a platform that enables young people to share ideas and work on a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) proposal, a tool for all European citizens to participate in the decision-making process.  

Moreover, the partners developed a Guide for Youth Workers that contains a learning course aimed at training young people on how to apply the participatory design methodology in preparing a European Citizens’ Initiative proposal on gender equality. 

The feedback on the conference was very positive, the audience was interested and greatly appreciate the presented results. In fact, the session ended with a discussion on further uses of the results from a sustainable point of view. 

For more information about PADIGE and its activities, follow us also on Instagram and Tiktok pages.